It all started with the thought ‘what’s the opposite of a NO BALL GAMES sign?’
The play problem
Content is drawn from the site of the brilliant Playing Out
Less safe space for outdoor play
Traffic in the UK has doubled since the 1980s. Streets are far less safe for children. Many new estates, public spaces and other developments have been designed around cars, without considering children’s needs.
Parents are more risk-averse
Parents are more fearful, especially about traffic danger, which is very real. They are also afraid of being judged or doing the wrong thing. Other adults and authorities are no longer supporting children to be out safely as they once did.
Some of the impacts
More time indoors
Less active
Less part of the community
Fewer opportunities to make friends
Less freedom and adventure
This idea for this sign was sparked by Penny Wilson and Eloise Wu who are both prominent playworkers, advocating for children’s rights to play and access to public play space. They asked, “What would a pro-play sign look like, what would it say?” and they very much had the NO BALL GAMES sign in mind as something to replace.
My suggestion plays on the language of road signs. It’s very simply an invitation to play, but it also sets up the uncomfortable union of road traffic and play space. If this prompts people to question the dominance of cars in our cities, it would make my day. One day perhaps, people will start associating the letter P with Play rather than Parking…

The signs can be used to temporarily turn any space into a play space. Or they can be fixed permanently. We encourage people to be mindful about where the sign is placed – there’s a duty of care to those invited to play. Busy roads and obvious hazards are to be avoided.
The sign comes in two flavours, simple of all-singing. The simple version is printed on hardwearing plastic and can be found here. The all-singing version is reflective and backed on to aluminium and can be found here.
We would love to see the signs popping up all over the place, on streets (where appropriate), in estates, in classrooms and places of work. Here are some snaps from people making use of it.
Your sign is up! We (11, 10, 8, 6x2, 5 + grown ups) were out until 8 tonight playing rugby, football, pretend holidays, chalk art competitions and scooter races. Our summer will live here, memories will be made and friendships forged through play.

What People Are Saying
“I love it and my son thinks it’s brilliant!! He’s only 3 and has set it up with his train set before we put it on the wall. Thank you so much!”
— Roxy
“Thank you so much!!!!! It looks amazing!!!!!! Love love love the orange”
— Eloise
“I received my sign today! I love it, the kids love it, we all love it! I also very much loved the card that came with it! Thank you so much!”
— Susie
“I love love love the signs by the way. 😁”
— Anja